Industry Information Forum
Tuesday, 9 May 2017
Calamvale Hotel, 678 Compton Road, Calamvale

Take this opportunity to meet fellow members and industry professionals in a causal and friendly networking environment.
Guest Speakers
Michelle Thompson - Employsure
Navigating employee and workplace requirements can be confusing. Employsure is Australia’s leading workplace relations specialist, working directly with employers to build the solid foundations for business success, starting with a fair and safe workplace. Whether it be dealing with a difficult employee, facing a tribunal claim or reviewing your work health and safety, Michelle will outline how Employsure can help you with these issues. You may bring an employment contract for a complimentary review by Employsure.
Paul Watts - Workplace Health and Safety
- Overview of injury stats for demolition industry
- Key industry issues
- Case study example
- What does good practice look like?
- Opportunities for further information and support
Doug Hughes - Cleanaway
An overview of Cleanaway's products and services, that are available to DCAQ members at a discounted rate, including a member case study of savings.
Lady Penelope - DCAQ Vice-President
Lady Penelope will provide a brief update of what is happening in the industry along with an overview of DCAQ's Code of Conduct.
Registration & Networking 6.00pm
Information Forum Commence 6.30pm
Networking Recommences 8:30pm
Registration for this event is now open. Click here to register NOW!
Cost: This is a free event for members and their employees. Non-members are $55.00, payment to be made with registration. No refunds for non-members.
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